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Welcome to the official web site for Workington Golf Club, Cumbria.
Established in 1893 the club boasts a James Braid designed 18 hole course that enjoys distant views of the western Lakeland mountains.
Please select the links (left) to browse over details of our course, facilities, pro shop, officials, ladies and junior sections and much more.
Workington golf course looking northGreen Fees ( Per Day)
Summer Season 2008
Monday to Friday: Adults £28, juniors £18.
Weekends & Bank Holidays: £32/£20.
Guests playing with a member
Monday to Friday: £19/ £12
Weekends & Bank Holidays:£22 /£14
Winter 2008:weekdays; adults £23/juniors £16.
Weekends and holidays;£28/£19.
Guests;weekdays; £16/£11. weekends £19/£13.

News Bulletin: 10 October 2008

The major 10-year renovation of Workington Golf Course is nearing completion. The redesign is the work of world-renowned international golf course architects Swan Golf Designs. Eric Ellwood, Club Captain said: "We are delighted with the changes Swan Golf Designs has made. The alterations have undoubtedly enhanced the beauty of the course, and a sprinkling of interesting challenges have been added for our visitors." Work on 17 of the 18 holes has already been finished and with only one hole awaiting transformation, the project is scheduled to be completed early in 2009.

WGC started first as the “West Cumberland Golf Club” on a piece of land lying just off the beach at Siddick, on the outskirts of Workington in 1893. A Scottish doctor, John Highet, was the force behind the committee formed to set up the 9 hole course and it enjoyed some peaks and troughs in its existence up until the First World War. As players went to the front, the membership declined and the club closed down, to be reformed after the war in a new location between Hunday Road and Whitehaven Roads to the South West of the town. Further land was acquired to give the course its current shape.

In its new location, the course has settled down to be one of the premier courses in Cumbria. The course has come under the attention of some of the leading golf architects as the years progressed. Initially, James Baird was consulted on the layout. Then F G Hawtree was called in during the 1950s. Currently, the course is receiving the attention of leading international architect, Howard Swan. It is intended to make use of his services over a five year plan to improve the quality of play and to render the course safer for golfers and make the course more attractive for members and visitors alike. The first three years have seen the refurbishment of holes 1 to 3 and 14 to 18, resulting in the emergence of new bunkering and the re-alignment of certain holes. The 17th has seen the installation of a whole new bunker regime with rueful members referring to it as the Battle of the Somme! Many of the trees put in the plantations some years ago have now been thinned out and moved to further help the definition of holes, making the course a better challenge and even more enjoyable at all levels.

On January 8th 2005, the course suffered from one of the worst storms ever encountered in living memory and the next morning saw devastation all over the course with over 700 well-established trees blown over in the 100mph winds. The damage fortunately was in the copses and did not impact greatly on the playing areas. after sterling work by the Greens staff and contractors brought in the course is playing as well as ever and in fact some areas of the course could be said to have been improved visually by the storm damage rectification work. It's an ill wind that blows no good!

Over the years, the Committees have added new parts to the Clubhouse as and when required often with a certain amount of ingenuity. In 1999/2000, plans were formulated to re-furbish the Clubhouse and in 2001 a new Gentlemen’s Locker Room and Ladies’ Locker Room were established. The Professional, Adrian Drabble was re-housed in a purpose-built shop. The whole area is now very attractive for members and visitors alike. Further phases will be looked at as time goes by.

The Club has over 750 members spread across all sections. The Club is actively involved in encouraging golf for Juniors with a section numbering over 100. Any Junior . under 16, interested in trying his or her hand at golf should contact the Club's Junior Section.

The course itself has been described as a good family course, implying that it will be enjoyed by all players no matter what standard they play to.

Club house, Branthwaite Road, Workington CA14 4SS. Telephone 01900 603460

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